Perustettu yhdistys ELS, on ainutlaatuinen ja Suomessa ainoa järjestö, joka tulee ajamaan esteettisen lääketieteen toimenpiteitä tekevien lääkäreiden ja terveydenhuollon ammattilaisten (sairaanhoitajat) etuja, kuten edistää heidän ammatillista kehitystään, valvoa heidän ammattiin liittyviä etujaan sekä ilmaista mielipiteensä maan terveydenhuollolle ja lääkärikunnalle tärkeissä kysymyksissä.ilma
The purpose of the association is to bring together the doctors and healthcare professionals (nurses) of aesthetic medicine, promote their professional development, monitor their professional interests, express their opinions on important health care and medical issues in the country, and obtain recognized aesthetic medicine as a specialty.
To accomplish its purpose, the association acts as a professional association for its members and maintains their mutual activities and contacts with other medical associations and training centers, organizes presentation and negotiating sessions, issues statements and makes proposals to the authorities, and practices other similar activities. The association can engage in publishing and training activities that promote membership service.
Doctors and other healthcare professionals (nurses) who do or will be doing aesthetic medicine therapy and operations will be accepted as members to the Finnish Society for Aesthetic Medicine (ELS ry).